The first-ever carbon/PEI hockey stick

We are very proud to have been actively involved in the engineering of a unique hockey stick. Schappe Techniques, Visceral Performance, CTT Group, Compsult and Mat-Comp are finalists for an …

We were there…

Biennial Symposium on composite materials of the CDCQ / RICQ, November 2017, Drummondville; The CTA / ENA Aerotechnology Symposium, October 2017, Longueuil; RICQ Annual General Meeting and Golf Tournament, June …

Hand in Hand to Success!

This is the title of the article published in the last magazine “Plan” of the OIQ. Mat-Comp and Compsult are proud to have realized this project with Soucy Baron and the …

Cummins’ Innovation Day

On November 1, an Innovation Day was held at the Cummins Technical Center in Columbus, IN. Mat-Comp and Compsult were invited to present their work on the development of lightweight …

New R&D Projects…

With the help of the CTT Group of St-Hyacynthe, Mat-Comp was awarded a grant for a research & development project regarding to the properties of advanced 3D composites using new …

A new partnership

We are really proud and happy to announce the signing of an agreement to help “Visceral Performance” in the development of products using the new generations of composites. Stay tuned …

We were there…

Annual General Meeting of Plasticompétences, June 14, Drummondville Annual General Meeting & golf tournament, RICQ, June 2, Drummondville Composites Seminar 2016, Maya & Siemens PLM Sofware, May 24, Montreal Fourth Annual Workshop Meeting …

A partnership that last…

It’s been three years that a parntership was established with Richard Langlois from Compsult. It is still a real pleasure working with this guy and share knowledge, knowhow, clients, projects, …